Seasonal rituals & wisdom for the earth year.
It's time to figure it out. Are you locked into a routine? We can get so attached to them. They help us feel safe and efficient. We rely on them to structure our day and to give us a sense of direction. Don't get me wrong, routines are important to have. But have you ever stopped to consider how some of these routines might be affecting you? Are there routines that keep you stuck? Maybe some of the routines are in place because you have always done/felt/been that way but have you ever tuned in to see if they are a part of your present-time self? This past weekend I had a text conversation with a friend about her aloe plant. She sent me a photo of her floppy plant and asked if I knew what was wrong with it.
This conversation went back and forth and we both shared that we had house plants that had been with us for 15-25 years. We had moved them from house to house with us. They had been with us through everything. We had a good chuckle about these plants, as many of them had seen better days but we just couldn't seem to let them go. (Sound familiar? ) My friend finally said.... "What if we just let them go, to free that space for something we enjoy". Hmmm..... What if we all let go of our metaphorical plants....the routines and jobs and relationships that no longer bring us joy? What if we instead put our energies into creating and nurturing something new. Something more aligned with our present-time self? Something more enjoyable? What if we used this fresh energy to get in tune with our Soul's deepest call? What if we listed more to the soul place in us and developed routines designed to support our journey, to live our best and brightest lives? I think it is high time we figured this out. I think you have settled for far too long. So, for today, make list of your metaphorical plants that you are ready to let go of and start figuring out what it is you truly want to be aligned with, for this short and wild earth ride. YOU ARE WORTH IT. THE PAIN OF CHANGE IS WORTH IT. LIVING WITH PURPOSE and JOY IS WORTH IT. You can do this. Comments are closed.
Lark Fox is a Priestess, an herb wyfe, Seer, intuitive healer, writer and ceremonialist. Archives
September 2022
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