Seasonal rituals & wisdom for the earth year.
It's August, in the year 2021.Let that sink in....Okay, I know we all know that! The point is, you are here and you are breathing and that is a good thing. The future is upon us.
The world feels like it is accelerating...the chaos, the pace, the danger, weather, fire, disease..... And we humans, a part of the dance of it all. Sometimes, it is hard to see what is truly in front of us in our lives. Hello dearest ones, I speak to you now from the cusp, as we move our bodies and our hearts toward the culmination of light that is the Summer Solstice.
These long days of light are an antidote to the shadow and dark we have felt these many months of the past year. There are things opening, in us and around us.... We are all at different stages in our grief... and our elation. We have been through the sticky webs of trauma in a world turned upside down, we still feel and see the heartbreak and frustration that weaves through our world, this planet, this Earth. We have all had a myriad of experiences....some of us are tired and confused and some of us have had uplifting, and revelatory experiences. And everything in between. All are valid and real and you deserve to be exactly where you are at in this moment. It's okay. It's time to figure it out.
Are you locked into a routine? We can get so attached to them. They help us feel safe and efficient. We rely on them to structure our day and to give us a sense of direction. Don't get me wrong, routines are important to have. But have you ever stopped to consider how some of these routines might be affecting you? Are there routines that keep you stuck? Maybe some of the routines are in place because you have always done/felt/been that way but have you ever tuned in to see if they are a part of your present-time self? Are you stuck in old ways of being?
Me too, sometimes. Recently, I have been going through some of my old writing and poems. Some of it is from my graduate thesis which is about 15 years old, some of it is more recent. My intention at the beginning of this process was to find and work on some pieces for publication. I have to say, if you want to be confronted with some of your old patterns or thought forms, take a look back at old journals or writing and look with an objective eye. Look for patterns or themes. This is what I have been doing and I got more than I bargained for! As I was looking at the writing (and feeling the energy of those times) I could see the same themes emerging over and over again throughout the years, some of which still persist. I wasn't surprised.... but I was curious about it. How is it that I could still have so many old thought forms kicking around into present time, even after decades of personal work?! Let's take a moment to take a breath together. Let's feel the collective support that comes from this small act, knowing that there is possibly someone else in this newsletter's community doing the same at the same time you are.
My grief is deep. My words are caught in my throat. My heart is broken. Happy Holidays everyone! I know that we are all feeling the effects of the strange and long year that is 2020. Many of us are exhausted, burned out, traumatized, confused, lonely and overwhelmed (where my Sensitives at?!).
On the other hand, this year has provided many, the time for contemplation, change, deep personal work and new ways of thinking. I know this is a simplistic summation of a complicated year but I thought we all could use some direction and help (even if it is something as simple as gifts), no matter where we fall on the spectrum of things. This year, I have put together a Holiday Gift Guide. These are items and businesses that are largely women owned, BIPOC owned, local to Colorado or small businesses I know of in other places. I looked for beauty, innovation and a sense of spirit in my selections. I hope you enjoy the list and I hope it inspires you to support these businesses this Holiday Season and beyond. I know that your support of my small business this year has helped to keep me afloat. I have so much gratitude for you! Without further is the list....... Twilight rises up from the earth, and a cold wind blows from the north. Night time comes swiftly across the land. Pumpkins grace porches and steps and a thin frost covers the early morning landscape.
The harvest has been completed and the winter season whispers from so close at hand. Trees, plants and patches of earth are bare and lonely, not quite winter not quite the end of autumn. Dry leaves scatter from every end of the field and swirl together in a blustery spiral. Now is the time of Halloween or Samhain (Sow-en) the Celtic New Year. It is time to honor the one's who have passed over and to honor our ancestors. This liminal time is full of magic and mystery and is my favorite time of year. If you would like to have some fun, SHARPEN YOUR INTUITIVE SKILLS and learn some energy tools, let's get together (virtually) for an
Intuitive Class/Intuitive Game night! We will play with the senses and ways to open the doors to our perception. Play intuitive games (curious about what those are?) and share our findings. This class is for beginners and seasoned intuitives alike!! Pre registration is required by October 15th. Friends and family welcome! $35USD Email [email protected] |
Lark Fox is a Priestess, an herb wyfe, Seer, intuitive healer, writer and ceremonialist. Archives
September 2022
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This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please check with your healthcare provider before using the information on this site. All content, writing and photographs (except where otherwise noted), are the sole property of folklore and fern and Lark Fox. Content may not be used without written permission from Lark Fox and may not be used for your business or any other purpose without consent Privacy: Your information will be kept private at all times. We do not sell your information. |